September 23, 2024
[The Moffat County Courthouse, Craig, CO.]
Boulder County, CO.
Boulder County Parks and Open Space
[The following is a press release from Boulder County Parks and Open Space]
A large section of the Boulder Canyon Trail will be closed October 7, 2024 through October 25,M2024, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. for repairs. Part of the trail has narrowed due to erosion. A support structure will be added to stop the erosion and return the trail to its original width. The trail will be closed between the east bridge and the west underpass. The closure is necessary because crews will be using heavy equipment, and there is no safe way for users to get around the construction area.
The western end of the trail will also be closed as early as Monday, October 7, 2024. That section will be closed 24/7 as part of the City of Boulder’s Chapman Drive Trailhead project. The project will include a new pedestrian bridge connecting the Boulder Canyon Trail to the Chapman Drive Trailhead across Boulder Creek. The Chapman Drive Trail will be open during trailhead improvement work, which is expected to continue through the end of the year.
Colorado Flood Threat
[The following is a press release from the Colorado Water Conservation Board]
— Flooding is NOT expected today
A weak upper-level disturbance embedded within northwesterly flow aloft is pushing across the northern Rockies this morning and is expected to generate a new trough axis spanning from the northern Plains to central Rockies this afternoon. Water vapor imagery indicates moisture aloft and PW at Grand Junction was measured at 0.65 inches. Low-level moisture will be lacking over western Colorado as dew points range in the 30s to 40s°F, so any showers generated by the passing trough would be limited to higher terrain areas. Weak instability created by daytime heating may support isolated thunderstorms over the southern mountains this afternoon. Only moderate rainfall potential is indicated, so there’s no flooding threat. The passing trough also brings bands of elevated cloud cover over eastern Colorado late this afternoon through the overnight hours, but no measurable rainfall is expected to occur.
Zone-Specific Forecasts:
Grand Valley, Central Mountains, Southwest Slope, San Juan Mountains & Southeast Mountains:
Over higher terrain, isolated (north) to scattered (south) showers are possible. Isolated thunderstorms are possible over the southern mountains. Isolated maximum 30-minute/1-hour rain rates of 0.25/0.40 inches are possible. Flooding is NOT expected.
Prime time: 1:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.
Northwest Slope, Northern Mountains, Front Range, Urban Corridor, Northeast Plains, Palmer Ridge, San Luis Valley, Raton Ridge & Southeast Plains:
Sunshine this morning, then elevated clouds building from northwest to southeast this afternoon through tonight. Can’t totally rule out a few sprinkles over the mountains, but measurable rainfall is not expected and there’s NO flooding threat.
Dry Bar Comedy
The World Has Too Many Made Up Diseases, James Gregory
Finding Colorado
The Colorado State Fossil is the Stegosaurus.
Larimer County, CO.
Hearts and Horses Silent Auction
[The following is a press release from Hearts and Horses]
The legendary Silent Auction takes place online, with 300+ exciting packages! Anyone, near or far, can participate and support the Hearts & Horses mission with bidding OPEN NOW and concluding at the event September 28th at 10:00 P.M.
For more information:
Hearts and Horses Silent Auction
Until next time,